Friday, July 25, 2008

NH: Flocks of Chickens and Ducks Stolen on July 10, 2008

If you've never raised and loved chickens, you may find it hard to understand how horrible it would be to learn that the flock you've raised since they were chicks or ducklings has been deliberately stolen.

This is what happened to Kim Tessier and her family in Barnstead, New Hampshire on July 10th. On that day, they moved from Barnstead to Maine and due to unforseen circumstances, they had to leave about two dozen chickens and 19 ducks behind. They paid a man to pick up all of the birds and deliver them to the family's new home in Stacyville, Maine, but that's where things turned ugly.

The man showed up with only five of the 50 birds, and claimed that the rest were being cared for by a woman in Barrington, NH. The thing is: he won't tell her who the person is, and now he won't return phone calls. Something is terribly wrong. Kim and her four children are inconsolable. They want their birds back.

Kim has furnished this list of the missing birds, several of whom are pictured here. It's obvious that they are "fancy" varieties, and that the person who has them thinks he or she can make some money by peddling them or their babies.
It's a little like looking for a needle in a haystack, but if you've heard about these birds or have any information that may be helpful in recovering them, please contact Kim Tessier at 603-724-5892.

Black Giant Cochin rooster: "KING KONG".. HE WAS MY BABY!
Black Giant Cochin pullet
Buff Giant Cochin pullet
2 Blue Giant Cochin hens

2 Standard White Polish roosters
Standard White Polish hen
Standard Black Polish hen-missing toes and feet (skunk got her toes thru cage when she was a baby)
2 Standard Gold Laced Polish roosters
Standard Gold Laced Polish pullet
2 Standard Buff Laced Polish pullets
Standard Black/White Crested Black Polish pullet
Standard Birchen Polish pullet
Standard Buff Laced Frizzle Polish rooster
Sultan rooster

2 Bantam White Japanese Roosters
2 Bantam Mottled Japanese Hens

Black Bantam Frizzle pullet
White Bantam Frizzle hen

Call Ducks and Bantam Ducks (1 1/2 -2 lbs)
5 Whites- 4 females,1 drake
3 Tan (drakes)
1 Blue hen
1 Black drake-very small
1 Blue w/White bib female
3 Black w/White bibs- 2 drakes,1 female
1 Copper female
1 Gray drake-very small -looks like a mallard
3 East Indies- (all black w/green,purple and blue sheen) 1 drake,2 girls

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